a.) What was the most challenging aspect f working in a group to create your tableau?
I found that there were not really any challenging aspects of working in a group. I am very good in groups and co-operating with others so there wasn’t really hard to do accept the only problem was tossing ideas around. It was sometimes challenging to compromise because we all had different ideas and wanted to go our own ways. We ended up putting all our ideas together so everything worked out nicely. Other than that our group was great and we worked well together.
b) What was the easiest element of the Tableau?
The easiest part of my tableau was thinking about how I should move my body, and make the picture look. I was able to have fun with this assignment, which was also easy because I felt comfortable and at ease. Figuring out how much kinishpere would be appropriate to take up was also easy because I knew which amount of space to take up would look better in the tableau.
c) Are you nervous about your performance on Tuesday? Why or Why not?
No, I am not nervous to perform on Tuesday because I have never had stage fright and not felt perfectly fine in front of an audience. Also, I feel fine about these presentations because I know what post I am going to be in and I am good at standing in a position for a long time.
d) Do you prefer working alone, in pairs or in groups when preparing for a performance? Why?
I prefer working in groups because it lets you be more social, and working with more people allows more ideas to be heard. Because you are working with more people there is a greater chance you will come up with a much better idea because there are more people contributing to it as appose to 2 people or 1 person.