Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Monologue Review Blog

a) What did you feel was best about your monologue?

I thought the best thing about my monologue was how I interpreted the character and acted in role. I felt I did a pretty good job on taking on his character and trying to act as though I was actually this boy preparing to tell him dad that he is failing. I know that I would pretty scared to tell my parents that I was failing a coarse so I was meaning to carry that through. Also I found using facial expression to be quite easy while on stage, especially because I was in character it was easy for me to take over his role.

b) What do you think you needed to improve?

I could have easily improved on my costume. I feel that I could have brought something to dwindle with as though I was nervous. And wear a skateboarding hat. I also should have brought a comb to brush my hard while my character was talking about doing so. I feel that all of these attributes would have enhanced my performance.

c) What was most difficult about the monologue performance in general.

The part that was most difficult part about my monologue performance in general was how to memorize the lines. I didn’t find it too difficult but I did have to spend a bit of time at home going over my lines and practicing them.

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